Over the past couple of months a game of tag has been going around the Blogosphere called 5 Things You Don't Know About Me. Guess what -
we've been tagged. Tagged by our good friend,
Ivan Chew of Singapore. It's hard to believe that we have readers in Illinois - let alone Singapore! Here are 5, er, 20, Things You Don't Know About 4 of Us...
5 Things You Now Know About Mitchell:
1.) I've spent over a grand on James Bond memorabilia. Why? Because.
2.) I'm allergic to most fruits. Usually, when I eat fruit, my throat itches inside and I start hacking obnoxiously.
3.) I've been bludgeoned in the face with a metal baseball bat.
4.) I was an altar boy in junior high.
5.) For a short period of time in my life (thankfully) I was a non-showering hippie.
5 Things You Now Know About Vicki:
1.) I used to be shy. Anyone who has met me since college is always stunned by this. I went away to college and totally came out of my shell. I haven't stopped talking since.
(Editor's note: This is true. Vicki never stops talking.)2.) I can out-belch almost anyone. The doctors say it's harmful to hold them in! It's a great party trick - it really impresses the guys.
3.) I am a proud cancer survivor of almost 5 years. Wow, that goes by fast.
4.) I know absolutely nothing about current music, with the exception of Gwen Stefani. My favorite group of all time is Simon and Garfunkel. I am 31 years old. Also, people are surprised to find out that I was a head banger. When all my friends were listening to New Kids on the Block (barf) I was frequenting the concerts of Poison, Motley Crue, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Tesla.
5.) I am a huge fan of talk radio. Hmmm, maybe that is why I don't know anything about current music. I am a rabid fan of all things WGN. Again, I am 31 years old. Not 50. Go ahead and make fun of me if you want, you have no idea what you are missing.
5 Things You Now Know About Nick:
1.) Before I graduated high school, I was FAT. No joke. 200 pounds. Where did it all go after high school? Beats me.
2.) My actual birthdate has been disputed ever since I was born. My birth certificate reads "12:00 am, 29 January." Legally, a new day is not set until 12:01, so no one knows if it's on 28 January or 29 January. I just picked a date and ran with it. Arguing semantics is too tiring.
3.) Even though I am now an enthusiastic vegetarian and animal-rights activist, the catalyst for my lifestyle is a bit less honorable. My first girlfriend bet me that I couldn't go meatless for a week. I bet her that I could. I started this bet on 2 January 2000 and I've never looked back since, even after she dumped me.
4.) I love videogames. I'm a closet videogame lover, actually. When I'm not being a snob, Nintendo rules my life. My current addictions? The Metroid series games, Wii Sports and Animal Crossing.
5.) I collect Hello Kitty - calendars, toys, clothes, anything. My favorite item? My brown-and-tan Chococat wallet.
And Lastly...
5 Things You Now Know About Allison:
1.) Many years ago when I first met my friend Steve, I jokingly told him my middle name was Kashmir like the Led Zeppelin song. I whole-heartedly believed that he knew I was joking. It wasn't until about 10 years later when he referred to my middle name that I explained that that was, in fact, a joke. He was appalled that what he though was true all that time, was actually false!
2.) I am related to
Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain)3.) I was raised to celebrate Jewish Holy Days
in this church and didn't celebrate Christmas for the first time until about 10 years ago.
4.) In
college, I was the first straight president of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Allies Union!
5.) My 5 year-old-son, Andrew (rabid Spider-Man fan) named his baby brother Parker after Spider-Man's alias Peter Parker.
And that is WAY more than you wanted to know about us. Now in an attempt to turn this blog entry into something Library-related we will tag the following friends of the Kankakee Public Library - these fine folks have visited us by doing a program or performance: Pulitzer-nominated author
Luis Urrea, folk legend
Arlo Guthrie, DC Comic artist
Don Kramer, Kankakee-native author
Kalisha Buckhanon, and newly published author and soon-to-be KPL podcast interviewee
Adam Selzer.